Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How To Displease Me


How To Displease Me

 My pet peeves are simple. These are things I seriously could go without in my life. Some of you might even agree with me on a few. They are in no paticular order.
1. Gossip: Don't even think about doing this in my presence. Any lady or gentleman knows better and does not speak ill of others nor do they entertain other people who do. Don't do this around me or I may say something to you. I do not tolerate gossip. Nothing good comes from it.
2. Not showing appreciation to those who serve you: Waiters, ushers, government workers, attendants, sales people...they have a tough job. Give them a smile, compliment them when they go out of their way. It's disrespectful to not give them a decent tip.
3. People who put labels on single mommas: Just because she's a single mom does not mean she sleeps around or is after your spouse. I have found christians to treat these women as outcasts. I've experienced this myself many times -even in church. Single moms have a rough road, and you don't know all the details that brought them to their status. Many of these women were abandoned or abused...all have been brokenhearted. Single moms are the '"Ruths" of this generation. Before you judge, walk in her shoes 24/7. What she really needs from you is love and acceptance. She needs help and hope.
4. Men who play games: Don't lie- not ever. Small lies are not okay with me. Being honest and saying how you feel is best. My heart is not a toy.
5. Rudeness: Please don't belch or pass gas in my presence. It's the hugest turn off ever. If one slips out- I understand but be polite about it. I am a lady.
6. Don't cuss in my presence. Don't use God's name in vain. This strongly offends me and grieves my heart.
7. Talking down to me in public or yelling at me in sarcastic tones: I won't do this to you either. It's disrespectful and dishonorable to do this to others.
8. Brown nylons -yuck. Margarine -gag. Only REAL butter will do. Fake sugar, artificial sweetener -so bad for you. Anything artificial is not a good idea.
9. Rude drivers: People's true colors come out when they drive. If you are one of these kinds of drivers, please don't have a fish symbol on the back of your bumper -you embarrass me.
10. Seeing others suffer: The homeless, animals who are hurting, children being neglected or abused, seeing someone cry and no one is offering to comfort them. If I could be a giant hug for everyone, I would. If you cry, I feel like crying. We must all do our part to help those who can't help themselves. Jesus was moved with compassion. May I never forget the fraility of a human heart. Love does more than any other action.
Jenny Williams, Ruby Wives/ A Modern Day Ruth  Copyright 2013

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