Saturday, August 24, 2013

Praise Like Perfume

   One unique thing about me that I am openly sharing with you is my most special and sacred time: singing to Poppa God. I have done this since I was probably about 2 or 3 years old. I used to stand on the old fashioned upright vacuum cleaner and use the handle as a microphone. I was very aware and sensitive to the Holy Spirit even as a baby. My Momma once told me that I would listen intently to my grandmother's piano playing. I would have a look on my face. The Holy Spirit was touching me. Through the years I have sung spontaneous love songs to the Lord, mostly during my bath times. You can say I am truly a "psalmist" at heart. I have always easily related  myself to King David in the Bible. My favorite book happens to be the Psalms. Music flows through me just like blood does. I sing to the Holy Spirit and He sings back to me. Sometimes in my prayer language. There's something about praise that ushers us into His secret place, His pavilion, His favorite places. I have gone through great times of despair and heartache -times when I had no song to sing because my heart was so sick from brokenness. To not be able to sing was deeply painful to me. God knows our hearts and He knows our desires to please and worship Him. I am so grateful He brought me through the long dark night of my soul and filled me with new songs again. My prayer anointed grandmother passed onto me the mantle of intercession. I honor her for this. She was an incredible mighty woman of God, but even with prayer time and battling warfare, there are times when I boldly just sing out His praises. The enemy hates this. Remember that the Israelites would have the worshipers be on front lines of the battlefield. The Bible says, (Psalm 96:1) Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. I share this to encourage you. Some days during this journey of being a "Ruth" you won't feel like doing anything. Your emotions may feel  all-consuming. Sing out a love song to Jesus anyway. Lift up your praises before Him. Minister to His heart and bless Him with your voice lifted high. He does not care if you sing beautifully, He cares about the beautiful heart that wants to touch Him; bless Him, pour out your fragrant perfume upon His feet. I have discovered the most beautiful treasures by singing in the spirit. No demon in hell can interfere with your love song to Him, unless you don't open your mouth. Praise is powerful, I tell you. My bubble bath's with the Holy Spirit are amazing. When you are walking the road of faith, when you're in the field working where you are assigned, sing out a love song. Sing in the Spirit. Make an eternal love song just for Him. This pleases Him. God favored David because he had a heart after God's heart. I love the lyrics to the worship song (Pour My Love On You by Phillips, Craig & Dean,) "If Praise is like perfume I'll lavish mine on you. Until every drop is gone. I'll pour my oil on you...". Written by Jenny Williams, Ruby Wives/ A Modern Day Ruth Copyright 2013 <3

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