Sunday, May 25, 2014

How do you know when you are ready to receive a Boaz into your heart and life?

A heart, mind, soul, and body must be ready. You have been walking through heartache, loss, abandonment and hardships. It's not been an easy season, but the good news is that God does not leave us in it; He walks us through to the other side when we trust Him and obey Him. Here are a few signs that you may be ready to be in a relationship again:

-You have a painful past, but it no longer keeps you there. You have been able to heal from it. You have been able to forgive those who have hurt you or abandoned you. The past is a painful memory but the sting of it doesn't keep you consumed by it.

-You have been able to stop looking over your shoulder trying to get back what you lost. You have been taking healthy steps to move forward in Christ. You no longer dwell in your former situation or homeland. Ruth left the land of Moab. She was courageous to go with Naomi to a new land she did not know.

-You have gone through a season of healthy grief. You have mourned what you lost. You have let God gently heal the layers and places of your heart. You have trusted God and allowed Him to help you let go of what you lost. You never forget, but you no longer let it be your constant thought day and night. Your tears have begun to cease. You have a few moments once in a while, but you have been able to feel joy again. You desire to live and be a part of life activities again. A lengthy time is recommended. Grief takes time. It's not an overnight thing. Remember, shedding tears does not mean you are going backward; it's part of the process. Don't feel bad if you are still shedding tears over the loss of your spouse.

-You have gleaned the wisdom from the mistakes you have made from your last relationship. Everyone has something they could have done differently in their broken or lost relationship. You are now healthy-minded when it comes to relationships. You have been completely honest with yourself and God about your past mistakes. You have learned and applied the wisdom so that you won't repeat the mistakes again. You have broken the cycle. Only a fool does the same thing but expects different results. Something has to change. Being completely honest with yourself and learning as much as you can is a healthy approach.

-You have leaned closer to the Lord and have a stronger and more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. You have allowed God to be your strength and peace during this difficult season. He is the Lover of your soul. You have realized that your spiritual well is not filled by a man but by spending time in His presence. A man can't satisfy your spirit. Only God can. Your relationship with God is front and center. Everything you do you strive to honor and please God. Your satisfaction comes from Him. A difficult season should always draw you closer to God- not further away.

-You have used the pain and heartache you have experienced and gone through to help others. Ruth reached out to Naomi and blessed her and helped her. You are now seeing the beauty and strength from the ashes in your life. You are now able to comfort and help others who are walking the road of a Ruth. God's greatest comfort and healing flows through open and broken vessels. The wounded know how to help the wounded. Your scars are now a blessing. Your story is a testimony of God's faithfulness and goodness in your life.

-You have allowed this difficult and painful season to make your heart more beautiful. Your character reveals His character. Ruth was known by her generosity, loyalty and faithfulness. Her character was known how she took care of her Mother-in-law and how she worked hard to bless her and honor Naomi. Your fragrance is sweet by His Holy Spirit. Your pain did NOT make you bitter....But it did make you BETTER.  For His glory and purpose.

-You no longer have a desire to be back with the person you loved and lost. You have been able to completely let go and surrender to God's perfect will and plan. You no longer have the struggle of a tug-of-war. You have set them free and not held on to unforgiveness or bitterness. You are able to pray for God's best in their life. You trust in God's plan. You genuinely want the best for the person who once hurt you and abandoned you.

-You know your worth as a daughter of the Most High. You broke the cycle of accepting less than God's best for you. You realize that your standards are higher and that you can be patient until God brings the man who is appointed by God to be a kinsman redeemer. Ruth followed God's will when she received her covering. She followed Naomi's instructions and guidance. She followed the protocol. She obeyed Boaz's instructions. You are ready when you are able to submit to God's instructions and guidelines concerning a relationship. You understand that you deserve a godly man.

You have and are continually praying for your future Boaz. You pray he is blessed in his walk with the Lord, and if he's lonely that God will comfort him and give him peace. You are asking God to prepare your heart and life for your Boaz, and that you are being led to the field he is in. Ruth was led to the field where Boaz was. Pray your life is in position for meeting your future spouse. Pray that your coming and goings are blessed and led by His Holy Spirit.

How do you know if he is your Boaz?

A Modern Day Boaz will:

-He will honor you and respect you. He will handle your heart tenderly. His intentions will be honorable.
-He will provide and care for you with his actions. He looks out for the best for you.
-He will protect you and spiritually lead you and be a covering to  you. He will pray with you and for you. He will take you to church. He will read the word with you.
-He will understand your journey and desire to make your days better and sweeter than before.
-He will celebrate you and appreciate your strengths, beauty and character.
-He will preserve you. He will honorably do right by you by waiting until marriage. He sees you as a treasure and a blessing from God.
-He will love you by demonstrating the character of Christ to you through his words and actions.
-He will always try to be a blessing to you and your children every day of his life. He will embrace you and your kids with open arms.

You won't settle for less than the best. You won't have to try to make a man treat you this way, because he already will. You don't raise a man into being a man, he already is one. God's best for you won't need fixing. Second best and settling....will need it. Don't go there. You are completely open to God's submission by letting Him write your love story. Listen to His voice, and trust in His perfect plan.

You know you are ready when you are not afraid to love and trust someone. You desire companionship and sharing a life again. You desire to be a blessing to the man God has waiting for you. Your heart is open to trust and to receive love again. You are healthy in your mind, heart and soul. You desire to be a helpmate.

How do you know you are his Ruth?

-You want to be a blessing to him every day of his life. You strive and look for ways to bless him.
-You desire to be his greatest cheerleader and prayer partner.
-You are his faithful confidante. He can trust you.
-You want to honor him and respect him as a man of God and as your spiritual leader.
-You celebrate his strengths and you accept his weaknesses.
-You bring a strength he can rely on. You are loyal to him only.
-You are his best friend and want to be his lifelong lover.
-You are willing to be a good receiver of his love and acts of kindness.
-You appreciate and value what he does for you.
-You believe in his dreams and callings. You want to support him and build a life with him. His desires are yours, and his dreams are yours.
-You honor him both publicly and privately.
-You desire to please him.
-You strive to do him good all the days of your life.
-You are anointed and appointed to be his wife.

Ruth and Boaz is my favorite love story. God gives second chances. He always restores better than before. Your heartache and loss are being turned around so your greatest love story can unfold. God gave Ruth better than before, and her legacy of love continued through the lineage of Jesus and beyond!  <3 Written by Jenny Williams, A Modern Day Ruth Copyright 2014


  1. Jenny, thankyou for this writing and your blog, which I have just ran across!! This writing in particular encompasses everything I have gone through in the last several years, and is where I am at today. Thankyou for your obedience to the Lord in sharing your journey. This has been an uplifting and encouraging reminder of God promises to be fullfilled in my life as I wait for my Boaz who is a wonderful man. A fellow sister in Christ, Tawana Davis

  2. I kept looking for someone. God kept saying, "the one I will send will..." , describing parts of this person's character and personality. When I stopped looking and just rested in God, a man who has been friends with my friend, Kathryn, for 20 years, noticed my post on her page and asked her, "Who is that woman?" Since that time (only about a month ago), we have been talking on the phone, because he lives in a different state. A friendship is being built. It is lovely. And it doesn't quite feel right unless I hear his voice every day now. I love listening to him. I love talking to him. He listens. He loves the Lord first and foremost. I just am enjoying the time we talk together that way for now.

  3. Wow!! This is the best explanation I've seen . . thank you!

  4. Thank so much for this post. I kept looking and looking, even when God said no. I recently gave my trust to God and heard whispers of "Ruth". I read her story and was blown away. When I opened up Pinterest, the post of the page was a link to your blog. God is truly listening and providing. Have a blest day.
