Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I Hear The Sound Of Heaven

Prophetic word:

Get up out of your ash heap
Rise up and dust yourself off
You have mourned enough over what you lost
You have become too comfortable
sitting in your misery and tears.

I hear the sound of heaven
The sounds of laughter and rejoicing
being sung out over you.

I smell the perfume of Heaven
being poured out over you
The anointing oil clinging to you

There was a time when Job
finally got up out of his ashes
and so must you
have the will to see better days
and the promise of His restoring

Let the rains of heaven wash
away the ashen smudges
of your yesterdays
No more looking at yourself
in your burnt up ruins and dreams

I hear the sound of singing and laughing
It's time to rejoice in Him
For He was faithful-
He did not let you die
He did not let you be destroyed
and you became stronger within.

He's singing His love song over you
Smell His fragrance dripping all over you
Clap and sing
HIS beauty is being revealed
It's a new day for you -brand new!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful!! And exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been sitting in my ashes long enough! Depression, anxiety, lack of self esteem....they all come with the rejection of a husband of 23 years walking away. Followed by different men who said they "loved me" and walked away also. These last 4 years have rocked my world. But I have to keep believing that God has something better ahead!! I LOVE your web site, your Facebook posts...and all that you give in your writings. I don't think you know encouraging you are to so many others. May God continue to bless you. :)
